Load Profile Analysis

Energy Efficiency & Operational Optimization Energieverbrauchsanalysen – Lastganganalysen EN Energieverbrauchsmonitoring EN

Project status


Project description

e7 has developed an analysis tool that has been used to analyse more than 400 electricity consumption curves at home and abroad in a standardised way in recent years. With this instrument it is possible to find out with little effort and in a short time what the electricity consumption is like in an object or a building. Not only the electricity consumption can be evaluated, but also the effects of measures (e.g. less base load, but more consumption during the day) can be checked. Thus, it is possible that partial target values (e.g.: power consumption at night, etc.) are quickly defined.
Experience shows that in this way electricity savings potentials of more than 10 % can be identified and usually realised without relevant investments.

e7 Energie Markt Analyse GmbH