E-Recharge in Residential Building in Vienna

Presentation and discussion of the results of the recently completed pilot project E-Mobility 2030: Implementation of the E-Mobility Scenario 2030 in an existing residential complex.

On 13 September 2019 the presentation of the results of the project supported by the Climate and Energy Fund took place in the Vienna Planning Workshop.

Around 50 participants from the target groups of property developers, planners, mobility service providers and other interested parties took part.

Keynote speeches

  • Bernd Vogl, MA 20 Energy planning: Welcome, challenge e-shop in residential building for the city of Vienna (inquired)
  • DI Thomas Eberhard, Austria Tech: Run-up figures e-mobility and required charging infrastructure; e-mobility check project (e-mobility in residential buildings, prospects and solutions)
  • DI Walter Hüttler, e7: Legal hurdles and solutions for the construction of e-charging infrastructure in large-volume residential buildings
  • DI Paul Lampersberger, e7 / DI Paul Gredler, Vienna Energy: Pilot project e-mobility in practice: Implementation of electromobility scenario 2030 in an existing residential complex
  • DI Franz Angerer, Land NÖ: A look beyond the horizon: Field tests on e-mobility in residential construction in Lower Austria


  • Mag. Gerald Franz MA, Energy Center, UIV Urban Innovation Vienna

The presentations were followed by a discussion.